Friday, July 15, 2011

Full Moons

I'm so happy it's Friday. Mainly because that means that Thursday is over, and Thursday was rough. Did you know it was a full moon yesterday? It was (no not because I'm a werewolf), and I am a firm believer in odd things happening when it's a full moon or other weather changes. You might think I'm crazy and that's alright, I've just had enough experience with full moon oddities to look completely past it.

I had all three boys yesterday, which is fun. I'm enjoying the break I have for the summer just hanging out with Curly, but it's fun when all four of us are together. The big boys get to play and the Chunk and I get some good play time in too, because man that baby is growing fast. They were nutty, really nutty. It might have been because they haven't been together for two weeks, it might have been the full moon.

It was $10 Thursday at the local grocery store, so I had to go. Spend $50 get $10 off your total? Yes please! Unfortunately it tends to be a mad house there on these days and yesterday was no different. It was outrageous. I somehow got out of there quickly, but I didn't know if I would make it out alive for a while.

Once I got home, I thought to myself, "self, be productive and make some food to freeze so you can be lazy with dinners and breakfast a few times." So I did, and things were going well. I made two lasagnas, that are sitting in the freezer waiting to be enjoyed. I made six (yes six) pans of cinnamon rolls. PW's recipe. Delicious. We have company coming in town next weekend and I thought I would be so nice and make everyone the best cinnamon rolls ever. The dough seemed a little gooey but I figured, eh it's alright. Baked them, they smelled so good. Open the oven door and they are goo. Not beautifully golden brown how they should be, just goo. I couldn't figure it out. I checked over everything again and again and realized I overlooked a very important step...that little part where you put in the last cup of flour, baking soda AND baking powder. Things don't cook up so nice when you leave that out. Fail.

However, I did get the first coat of paint on one of the dressers, so that made me a little happier. Stress relief if nothing else.

And now it's Friday.

keep it simple.

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